Forney High School Highsteppers Win Awards at HTE Dance Competition
The Forney High School Highsteppers Dance Team recently competed in the HTE Dance Competition in San Antonio, Texas and won several awards including the Grand National Champion Award. The Highsteppers officers, Elite Squad and Team Squad won every category entered. In addition, the team was named Tops in Texas for the third time. The Tops in Texas Award is presented to the team with the highest score from the entire contest season regardless of classification.
Below is a full list of all of the awards the Forney High School Highsteppers won at the HTE Dance Competition.
Tops in Texas
Grand National Champions Team
Grand National Champions Officers
11th-12th Grade Solo National Champion Mallorie McFarlin
Large Team National Champion
Select Team National Champion
Large Team Officer National Champion
Super Sweepstakes Officer/Select/Team
Outstanding Choreography Officers/Team
Outstanding Technique Officers/Select/Team
Outstanding Precision Officers/Select/Team
Outstanding Showmanship Officers/Select/Team
Best in Class Team Production
Best in Class Team Pom
Best in Class Team Novelty
Best in Class Team Lyrical
Best in Class Officer Lyrical
Best in Class Officer Jazz
Best in Class Officer Novelty
National Champion Large Team Prop
National Champion Large Team Production
National Champion Large Team Pom
National Champion Large Team Novelty
National Champion Large Team Lyrical
National Champion Select Team Jazz
National Champion Select Team Lyrical
National Champion Select Team Novelty
National Champion Officer Jazz
National Champion Officer Lyrical
National Champion Officer Novelty
Miss High Kick Semi Finalists Courtnie Gautreaux and Aubri Wehmeyer
Miss High Kick Finalist Maya Blanks
5th Place 11th-12th Grade Solo Savannah Cottrell
4th Place 11th-12th Grade Solo Brynn Weber