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Student Fees

Student fees for technology and school lunch payments can be made in Skyward. Parents should log into Skyward and click on the Fee Management Button to pay fees. Below is the link to access Skyward as well as instructions on how to access Fee Management.


The Fee Management utility in Skyward is available for parents to pay the annual $30 technology fee (4th grade through 12th grade only) as well as add money to a child's lunch account. All lunch account balances from the previous lunch system (My School Bucks) have been transferred to the new system.


You will be able to pay any and all fees for your child through Skyward from this point forward. Our goal is to provide easy access to all of your student's educational information in one central location. If you experience any difficulties logging into Skyward, please contact your child’s campus for assistance. 


Directions to use Fee Management


Fee Management is a utility that allows you to pay any fees you owe for your child as well as add money to lunch accounts. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to use the Fee Management utility.


Step 1- Log into your Skyward Parent/Family Access account

Step 2 - Click on the Fee Management Button

Step 3 - Click on Make a payment on the student you are paying a fee for - This will take you to a pop up window

Step 4 - Click on the student name

Step 5 - Click on pay $30 for the technology fee

Step 6 - Click on add selected to cart

Step 7 - Click on checkout - Log in or create a new account - If you paid electronically last year, you will use the same login information

Step 8 - Enter your payment information

Step 9 - Click place order

Step 10 - Print your receipt (a copy will be e-mailed to you as well)







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