Forney ISD
Credit By Examination
Forney Independent School District is now accepting registration for "Credit by Examination", as provided by 19 TAC 74.24 and Texas Education Code 28.032. The purpose of credit by exam is to allow a student to accelerate in grades K-5 and earn credit without prior instruction in grades 6-12 free of charge. FISD utilizes University of Texas K-16 tests, or other testing instruments approved by the Superintendent or designee. Students may also test to recover credit for a particular course or grade with prior formal instruction for the cost of each exam to be incurred by the parent.
Prepare for the Examination
Review sheets for the EA/CBE's are available at
For your convenience, we have supplied the links to the specific tests by grade level and subject. The EA/CBE consists of a 50-100 multiple-choice questions that are equally weighted. The exam may consist of multiple-choice and true-false questions. The review sheets will also contain a detailed list of items you must bring to the examination. EA/CBE review sheets are not comprehensive and do not cover all the material in the tests. We recommend that you download and/or simply view the review sheets prior to signing your student up for a EA/CBE to see if he/she is prepared for the rigor and the time that is involved in preparing to take Exam for Acceleration (EA) or Credit by Examination (CBE).
Scheduled testing dates are January 14-16, 2019.
Deadline for registration is November 26, 2018, by 3 p.m.
Contact the appropriate Forney ISD campus counselor for further information.